Monday, September 30, 2019

Nature vs. Nurture in Language Development

What is Language? Language is a tool we have been using to understand and develop our thinking. We have been: Learning about the thinking of others by reading Expressing our own thinking through writing Exchanging ideas with others by speaking and listening Thought and language can contribute to clear, effective thinking and communication. Language is a system of symbols for thinking and communicating. At 5 years of age human is expected to have; Articulated speech, Vocabulary of more than 6000 words and Observe grammar rules.An Average speaker is expected to have; 150 words per minute, 20,000 and 40,000 alternatives and error rates below 0. 1%. There are two theories concerning Nature or Rationalism in Language and these are the Nativism and Child Talk model of Chapman et al. (1992). In the child talk theory the child’s needs will enable him to formulate speech based on his past experiences. Nature or rationalist theory is based on the following study by prominent people in h uman history: 1. PLATO knowledge and understanding: * innate * biological * genetically * common nature . Rene Descartes (1596 – 1650) Ideas existed within human beings prior to experience. * God * ability of the environment and the mind to influence and initiate behavior * reflex action (unintended behaviors) 3. Kant (1724-1804) â€Å"A priori† knowledge as illustrated below. 4. CHOMSKY The Nativist Perspective: Human beings are born with an innate capacity for language. Universal Grammar * An innate property of the human mind * Growth of language is analogous to the development of a bodily organ * Abstract that it could not be learned at allPrinciples of UG: 1. Language is innate 2. Our brains contain a dedicated special-purpose learning device that has evolved for language alone. * domain specificity, autonomy or modularity Nurture states that knowledge originates in the environment and comes in through the senses. This theory is called Empiricism defines as the imp ortance of sensory experience as the basis of all knowledge. Empiricism is otherwise known as the doctrine that says sense experience is the only source of knowledge, a belief that experience alone is the source of all knowledge.Empiricism is essentially a theory of knowledge which asserts that all knowledge is derived from sense experience. It rejects the notion that the mind is furnished with a range of concepts or ideas prior to experience. Three principal British philosophers who are associated with empiricism are John Locke (1632-1704), George Berkeley (1685-1753), and David Hume (1711-76). in philosophy, a doctrine that affirms that all knowledge is based on experience, and denies the possibility of spontaneous ideas or a priori thought. Empiricism (greek from empirical, latin experientia – the experience) is generally regarded as being at the heart of the modern scientific method, that our theories should be based on our observations of the world rather than on intuit ion or faith; that is, empirical research and a posteriori inductive reasoning rather than purely deductive logic. Other basis of empiricism are: 1. ARISTOTLE * Truth and knowledge to be found outside of ourselves by using our senses. 2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778) * Emile: the hero learns about life through his experiences in life 3.John Dewey (1859 – 1952) * Structured experience matters and disciplinary modes of inquiry could allow the development of the mind. 4. Edward Thorndike (1874 – 1949) STIMULUS – RESPONSE * people learned through a trial-and-error approach * mental connections are formed through positive responses to particular stimuli * learning was based on an association between sense impressions and an impulse to action * structure the environment to ensure certain stimuli that would ‘produce’ learning 5. Psychologist B. F.Skinner (behaviorism or associationism) 3 needs for language formation: * time * opportunity * com puting power Skinner further explains that learning is the production of desired behaviors without any influence of mental processes. Programmed learning is positive reinforcement for â€Å"correct† responses Let us now bridge the gap between nature and nurture. Learning is a developmental cognitive process, human create/construct knowledge. There are three theories involved in this process; constructivism, progressivism and language acquisition theory.We will discuss first constructivism , the following diagrams will show us. Diagram 1: Psychologist Jean Piaget proposed two kind of interaction: * Simple interactions: putting together * Emergentism: adding more to what was put together The first box shows simple interaction while the second box shows emergentism. Diagram 2 shows us how the brain is constructed with interaction to the environment. Diagram 2: Vygotsky (1896 – 1934) states that all learning occurs in a cultural context and involves social interactions.The zone of proximal development (ZPD)learn subjects best just beyond their range of existing experience with assistance from the teacher or another peer to bridge the distance from what they know or can do independently and what they can know or do with assistance (Schunk, 1996) â€Å"scaffolding† that help students learn in systematic ways. This is illustrated further illustrated in diagram 3. To Piaget there are three element involved in interaction the structured environment, the senses and the brain. Vygotsky added one more element nother human being that makes now the elements of interaction four namely structured environment, the senses, another human being and the brain. Diagram 3: Second theory in bridging the gap is Progressivism which emphases on both experience and thinking or reflection as a basis for learning explore, discover, construct, and create. Emergentist (Tomasello & Call, 1997) said that there is something innate in the human brain that makes language poss ible, something that we do with a large and complex brain that evolved to serve the many complex goals of human society and culture.A new machine built out of old parts, reconstructed from those parts by every human child. ( contrast to domain specificity ). Diagram 4 will show us people cannot create something from nothing. People can create but from something already there. The picture on the left is the nurtured face while the picture on the right is the natural face. Diagram 4: LAD THEORY ( Language Acquisition Device ) Chomsky regards linguistics as a subfield of psychology, more especially the cognitive psychology.The Language Acquisition Device: Chomsky argues that language is so complex that it is almost incredible that it can be acquired by a child in so short a time. He further says that a child is born with some innate mental capacity which helps the child to process all the language which he hears. This is called the quot;Language Acquisition Devicequot; (LAD). Chomsky a nd his followers claim that language is governed by rules, and is not a haphazard thing, as Skinner and his followers would claim. We must remember that when Chomsky talks about rules, he means the unconscious rules in a child's mind.A child constructs his own mental grammar which is a part of his cognitive framework. These rules enable him to produce grammatical sentences in his own language. Chomsky does not mean that child can describe these rules explicitly. For instance, a four or five year old child can produce a sentence like, I have taken meal, he can do that because he has a ‘mental grammar' which enables him to form correct present perfect structures and also to use such structures in the right or appropriate situation. Language learning Input Mental grammar Is an (own rules) Innate ability LADGrammatical Output sentencesChomsky suggests that the learner of any language has an inbuilt learning capacity for language that enables each learner to construct a kind of per sonal theory or set of rules about the language based on very limited exposure to language. John Watson / Behaviorism A branch of psychology that bases its observations and conclusions on definable and measurable behavior and on experimental methods, rather than on concept of ;quot;mind. â€Å" Behaviorism is a psychological theory first put forth by John Watson (1925), and then expounded upon by BF Skinner.Attempting to answer the question of human behavior, proponents of this theory essentially hold that all human behavior is learned from one's surrounding context and environment. Diagram 5 shows the imitation process * Children start out as clean slates and language learning is process of getting linguistic habits printed on these slates * Language Acquisition is a process of experience * Language is a ‘conditioned behavior’: the stimulus response process * Stimulus – Response, Feedback – Reinforcement Diagram 5:SUMMARY Rationalism ( Bloomfield & Noam Chomsky ) states the nativist or innateness where children must be born with an innate capacity for language development. Children are born with an innate propensity for language acquisition, and that this ability makes the task of learning a first language easier than it would otherwise be. The human brain is ready naturally for language in the sense when children are exposed to speech, certain general principles for discovering or structuring language automatically begin to operate.Constructivism ( Jean Piaget ) proponent of cognitive theory which introduced that language Acquisition must be viewed within the context of a child’s intellectual development. Linguistic structures will emerge only if there is an already established cognitive foundation. The earliest period of language learning (up to 18 months), relating to the development of what Piaget called ‘sensory motor’ intelligence, in which children construct a mental picture of a world of objects that hav e independent existence.During the later part of this period, children develop a sense of object permanence and will begin to search for the objects that they have seen hidden. This is further emphasized by Vygotsky in his socio-cultural approach to knowledge. Another theory by C. A. Ferguson (1977) known as the Input Theory claiming that parents do not talk to their children in the same way as they talk to other adults and seem to be capable of adapting their language to give the child maximum opportunity to interact and learn. REFERENCES:Pinel, JJ (2011) Biopsychology; Eighth Edition, Allyn& Bacon. Nature versus nurture – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nature_versus_nurturePowell, K. (n. d. ). Nature vs Nurture – How heredity and environment shape who we are. Retrieved from http://genealogy. about. com/cs/geneticgenealogy/a/nature_nurture. htmPowell, K. (). Nature vs Nurture – how heredity and environment shape who we are. Retrieved from http://genealogy. about. com/cs/geneticgenealogy/a/nature_nurture_2. htm

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Bite Me: A Love Story Chapter 18

18. Carpe Noctem MARVIN Marvin the big red cadaver dog had done his job. He sat and woofed, which translated from the dog meant, â€Å"Biscuit.† Nine vampire hunters paused and looked around. Marvin sat in front of a small utility shed in an alley in Wine Country, behind a particularly nasty Indian restaurant. â€Å"Biscuit,† Marvin woofed. He could smell death amid the curries. He pawed the pavement. â€Å"What's he doing?† said Lash Jefferson. He, Jeff, and Troy Lee carried Super Soakers loaded with Grandma Lee's Vampire Cat Remedy, other Animals had garden sprayers slung on their backs, except for Gustavo, who thought that making him carry a garden sprayer was racial stereotyping. Gustavo had a flame thrower. He wouldn't say where he got it. â€Å"Second Amendment, cabrones.† (The guy who sold Gustavo his green card had included two amendments from the Bill of Rights and Gustavo had chosen Two and Four, the right to bear arms and freedom from unreasonable search and seizure. [His sister Estrella had had seizures as a child. No bueno.] For five bucks extra he threw in the Third Amendment, which Gustavo bought because he was already sharing a three-bedroom house in Richmond with nineteen cousins and they didn't have any room to quarter soldiers.) â€Å"That's his signal,† said Rivera. He was wearing his UV-LED leather jacket and felt like a complete dork. â€Å"When he sits and does that with his paw he's found a body.† â€Å"Or vampire,† added Cavuto. â€Å"Biscuit,† woofed Marvin. â€Å"He's fucking with you,† said Troy Lee. â€Å"There's nothing here.† â€Å"Maybe in the shed,† said Lash. â€Å"There's no lock on it.† â€Å"Who would leave anything unlocked in this neighborhood?† asked Jeff. â€Å"Biscuit please,† woofed Marvin. They had an agreement: As consideration for finding dead things, the cadaver dog, heretofore referred to as Marvin, shall receive one biscuit. There was some flexibility, however, and Marvin understood that in this case, they weren't looking for dead humans, but dead cats, and despite their inherent tastiness, Marvin was not to eat the findees. â€Å"Biscuit,† he rewoofed. Where was the biscuit? It had been months since he'd led them to the dead things. (Well, it seemed like months. Marvin wasn't very good with time.) â€Å"Open it,† said Troy Lee. â€Å"We'll cover you.† Rivera and Cavuto moved to the shed, which was aluminum and had a roof shaped like an old-fashioned barn's. The Animals moved in a semicircle and trained their weapons on the shed. (Grandma Lee had stayed home to watch wrestling on TV when she realized there weren't going to be any firecrackers.) â€Å"On three then,† said Rivera. â€Å"Wait,† said Cavuto. He turned to Gustavo. â€Å"No fuego. Comprende? Do not fucking light up that flamethrower.† â€Å"S,† said Gustavo. They had tested the flamethrower on the basketball court in Chinatown. It had a fairly short, wide spray. In other words, if Gustavo used it in the alley he would probably fry them all. Barry turned and sprayed the flamethrower's pilot light with a stream of vampire cat remedy. The flame went out with a sizzle. â€Å"Okay, go.† â€Å"On three, then,† said Rivera. They all raised their weapons. â€Å"One,† Rivera nodded to Cavuto and grabbed the switch to his jacket LEDs. â€Å"Two.† Troy Lee crouched and aimed his Super Soaker to the center of the doors, ready to strafe in any direction. Cavuto drew his Desert Eagle, cocked the hammer, and thumbed off the safety. â€Å"Three!† The cops threw open the doors and lit up their jackets, the Animals leaned in. Six surprised kittens and a mother cat looked out from a box set on stacks of five-gallon detergent buckets. They all looked around, not saying anything. The Animals lowered their weapons. The cops turned off their jackets. â€Å"Well, that's embarrassing,† said Troy Lee. â€Å"Biscuit,† Marvin woofed. They all looked at Marvin. â€Å"You suck, Marvin,† said Cavuto. â€Å"Those are normal cats.† Marvin didn't understand. He had followed the trail, he had made the signal when he came to the end of the trail. Where was his biscuit? â€Å"Bad dog, Marvin,† said Lash. Marvin growled at him, then turned to Rivera and woofed, â€Å"Biscuit.† He was not a bad dog. It wasn't his fault that no one had taught him how to point up. It wasn't his fault they weren't looking up, past the top of the shed, up the wall, to the roof, four stories up. Couldn't they hear them? â€Å"Biscuit,† he woofed. CHET Chet watched the vampire hunters moving below. He understood what they were doing and how badly they were doing it. The other cats had moved away from the edge of the roof, the smell of flame, the sunlight jackets, and the dog had made them weary. A few of them were survivors of the encounter with the little Japanese swordsman, and Asians in general still freaked them out a little. Although they couldn't see the life auras that a human vampire could, it was still in their instinct as predators to take the weak and the sick, and the group below appeared to be neither. Chet, on the other hand, was less and less of a cat every night. He was bigger than Marvin now, and had lost most of his cat instinct, and whatever he was now, it wasn't a cat. Although he was still a predator, words kept invading his mind, sounds that produced pictures in his mind. Abstract concepts whirled around in sound and symbols. His kitty brain had been rewired with human DNA, and what had resulted was not only an alpha predator, but a creature with the capacity for revenge, mercy, and conscious cruelty. Chet watched the group below move out of the alley, led by Rivera and trailed by Barry, the bald, portly scuba diver of the Animals. The kitty part of Chet's brain saw Barry's bald spot like a ball of yarn, teasing him to attack. He needed to get it. He went to mist and snaked down the side of the building. He liked climbing face-down, especially since he had grown thumbs, but stealth was the only way to pick off the last one without facing the whole group in combat. He rematerialized in front of Barry, on his hind feet, and before the hapless grocery clerk could call out, Chet thrust his entire paw into his mouth and unsheathed his claws. There was only a slight gurgling sound, and Clint, the born-again, who had been walking ahead of Barry, turned to see only an empty alley behind him. Chet was already three floors above him on the wall. Barry dangled from Chet's claws, twitching, as the huge, shaved vampire cat drank his life away. TOMMY â€Å"Foo,† Tommy said, right in Foo's ear. â€Å"I want you to remember, before you move, at all, that I was the one who wore your sun jacket to rescue Jody from Elijah. So if I see you even look like you're going to touch a switch of any kind, I'm going to tear that arm off, okay?† â€Å"I didn't want to put you in the statue,† said Foo for the third time. â€Å"I know,† Tommy said. â€Å"Where's Jody?† â€Å"She went looking for you.† Jared started to back away from the door into the kitchen area. â€Å"You too, Jared. If I don't see your hands for one second, I'm taking them off so I don't have to worry about it.† Jared waved his hands in front of him like he was drying his nails. â€Å"Whoa, badass much? I'm the one that let you in. I was going to get you some blood.† â€Å"Sorry, stress,† Tommy said. He had Foo by the throat, but lightly. â€Å"Give him the one that's already opened,† Foo said. â€Å"The one with the drugs in it?† asked Jared. Foo flinched as if waiting for the sound of his neck snapping. â€Å"Yes, that one, you fuckwit.† â€Å"I'm good for now,† Tommy said. Then to Foo, â€Å"Jody went where to find me?† â€Å"Just out. Right after she got you out of the shell. She took half the money and most of the blood. Abby said that she was at the Fairmont, but Rivera and Cavuto found her. We don't know where she is now.† â€Å"Where's Abby?† â€Å"She's at her mom's,† said Foo. â€Å"No, she's not.† Tommy choked him a little. â€Å"She's here. I can smell her.† He cocked his head. â€Å"I don't hear her heartbeat. Is she dead?† â€Å"Kind of,† said Jared. â€Å"She is nossssss-feratu. That's how she says it. I'm so jealous.† â€Å"Did I do that?† â€Å"No,† said Foo. â€Å"She did it herself. You were out of your mind, and you bit her, but Jody pulled you off of her and threw you through the windows. You don't remember?† â€Å"Not much. Probably a good thing for you, too.† â€Å"She's under the mattress,† Jared said. â€Å"Foo made me hide her there.† â€Å"I'm going to change her back. I told you I could do it and I can. I'm already working on her batch of serum.† â€Å"And she saw Jody last?† â€Å"Her friend Lily saw Jody coming out of the Fairmont a few nights ago. Abby went there to find her and saw Cavuto and Rivera.† â€Å"Then we don't know if they found Jody while she was out?† â€Å"They didn't. They didn't say anything when they came to get their jackets.† â€Å"Their jackets? Sun jackets? You gave them sun jackets?† â€Å"I have to do what they want. They were going to take me in for statutory rape and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.† â€Å"Really? Have they met Abby?† â€Å"Truth,† said Foo, as wistfully as you can when you're being choked. â€Å"Tommy, let me change you back. It's what you wanted. I can do you and Abby at the same time.† â€Å"No. And you're not changing her. Wake her up.† â€Å"What? Why?† â€Å"Because I'm going to go look for Jody and I'm taking Abby with me. I'm not leaving her here with you guys.† â€Å"Why? She's my girlfriend. I wouldn't hurt her.† â€Å"She's my BFF,† said Jared. â€Å"He's the one who can't be trusted.† â€Å"I'm taking her with me. I'm not going out there without someone watching my back. Haven't you ever seen a horror movie? When you split up and go off by yourself, that's when the monster gets you.† â€Å"I thought in this movie you were the monster,† Foo said. â€Å"Only if you don't do what I say,† Tommy said, a little surprised to hear himself say it. â€Å"Wake her up, Foo.† JODY The last thing she remembered before burning up were the orange socks. And here they were again, fluorescent orange, highway safety orange socks, at the base of a tiny, blood-encrusted man who was fussing about at some sort of workbench. â€Å"Well, don't you look yummy,† she said, and she was surprised at the sound of her own voice: dry, weak, and ancient. The little man turned, startled at first, but then he composed himself, bowed, and said something in Japanese. Then, â€Å"Sorry,† in English. â€Å"It's okay,† she said. â€Å"This isn't the first time I've woken up in a strange man's apartment where I can't remember how I got there.† This was, however, the first time she remembered where she had been on fire at the end of the night. Before it had gone quite that far, the girls she worked with held a lunchtime intervention in which each told her, frankly and sincerely, as people who loved her, that she was a drunken slut who took all the hot guys at the TGIF bar crawl every week and she needed to knock it the fuck off. So she did. Now, as in those days, she was disoriented, but unlike those days, it didn't even occur to her to be afraid. The little Japanese man bowed again, then took a square-pointed knife from his workbench and approached her shyly, his head down, saying something that sounded very much like an apology. Jody held up her hand to wave him off, say, â€Å"Hey, back off there, cowboy,† but when she saw her hand, an ash-white desiccated claw, the words caught in her throat. The little man paused just the same. Her arms, her legs? She pulled up the kimono-her stomach, her breasts-she was shrunken, like a mummy. The effort exhausted her and she fell back into the pillow. The little man shuffled forward and held his hand up. There was a bandage on his thumb. She watched as he raised his hand, pulled off the bandage, and put the point of the knife to the wound that was already there. She caught his knife hand and ever so gently, pushed it down. â€Å"No,† she said, shaking her head. â€Å"No.† She couldn't imagine what her face might look like. The ends of her hair were like brittle red straw. What must she have looked like before he had done this, done this too much, she could see. â€Å"No.† With him close, she could smell the blood on him. It wasn't human. Pig. It smelled of pig, although she didn't know how she might know that. When she had been at her best she would have smelled blood on someone just walking by on the sidewalk. It wasn't only her strength that was gone, her senses were nearly as dull as when she had been human. The little man waited. He had bowed, but did not rise up again. Wait, he held his head aside, his throat open. He was bending down so she could drink. Knowing what she was, he was giving himself to her. She touched his cheek with the back of her hand and when he looked she shook her head. â€Å"No. Thank you. No.† He stood, looked at her, waited. She smelled the dried blood on the back of her hand, tasted it. She had tasted it before. She felt something tacky in the corner of her mouth-yes, it was the pig blood. The hunger wrenched through her, but she fought it down. He had fed her his own blood, obviously, but also pig's blood. How long? How far had he brought her? She gestured for him to bring her paper and something to write with. He brought her a sketch pad and a broad square carpenter's pencil. She drew a map of Union Square, then drew a crude figure of a woman and wrote down numbers, many numbers, her sizes. What about money? Rivera would have her things from the room, but she had hidden most of the money in another spot. From the brick-work in the apartment, the window frames, the angle of streetlights coming down from above, she guessed she was in a basement apartment right near where she'd been running on Jackson Street. Nowhere else in the City looked like this, was this old. She pointed to herself and the little man and then to the map. He took it from her and drew an X, then quickly drew a stick version of the Transamerica Pyramid. Yes. They were on Jackson Street. She wrote a â€Å"$† where she'd hidden the money, then scratched it out. It was hidden in a locked electrical junction box high on a roof, where she had been able to climb easily, two floors above the highest fire escape. This frail little guy would never get there. The little man smiled and nodded, pointing to the dollar sign. He went to his workbench, opened a wooden box, and held up a handful of bills. â€Å"Yes,† he said. â€Å"Okay, then, I guess you're buying me an outfit.† â€Å"Yes,† he said. She made a drinking gesture, then nodded. He nodded and held up the knife again. â€Å"No, you can't afford it. Animal.† She thought about making a piggy sound, but wasn't sure that might not give him the wrong idea, so she drew a stickman on the sketch pad, then Xed it out and drew a first-grade stick piggy, a stick sheep, and a Jesus fish. He nodded. â€Å"Yes,† he said. â€Å"If you bring me a Christian petting zoo I'm going to be disappointed, Mr.-uh-† Well, this was embarrassing. â€Å"Well, you're not the first guy I've ever woken up with whose name I don't remember.† Then she stopped herself and patted his arm. â€Å"I'm sounding really slutty, I know, but the truth is I used to be afraid to sleep alone.† She looked around the little apartment, at the meticulously arranged tools on the workbench, the one pair of little shoes, and the white silk kimono he had wrapped her in. â€Å"Thank you,† she said. â€Å"Thank you,† he said. â€Å"My name is Jody,† she said, pointing to herself. She pointed to him, wondering if that might not be rude in his culture. But he had already seen her nude and burned up, so perhaps they were past formality. He seemed okay with it. â€Å"Okata,† he said. â€Å"Okata,† she said. â€Å"Yes,† he said, with a big smile. His gums were receded, which made him look like he had big horse teeth, but then Jody touched her tongue to her fangs, which it seemed were not retracting in her new, dried-up state, and she realized that she should probably be less judgmental. â€Å"Go, okay?† She pointed to the sketch pad. â€Å"Okay,† he said. He gathered up his things, put on his stupid hat, and was ready to leave, when she called to him. â€Å"Okata?† â€Å"Yes.† She made a face-washing gesture and pointed to him. He went to the little mirror over the sink, looked at himself covered with blood, and laughed, his eyes crinkled into high smiles themselves. He looked over his shoulder at her, laughed again, then scrubbed his face with a cloth until he was clean and went to the door. â€Å"Jody,† he said. He pointed to the stairs outside. â€Å"No. Okay?† â€Å"Okay,† she said. When he was gone, she crawled from the futon and stumbled from there to the workbench, where she rested before trying to move farther, to look at Okata's work. Wood block prints, some finished, some with only two or three of the colors on them, proofs perhaps. They were a series, the progression of a black, skeletal monster against a yellow futon, then the gradual filling in of the figure. The care, wrapping her in the kimono, feeding her his blood. The last print was still in the sketch stage. He must have been working on it when she awoke. A sketch on thin rice paper had been glued to the wood block and he was carving away the material for the outline-the black ink in the other prints. They were beautiful, and precise, and simple, and sad. She felt a tear rise and turned so as not to drip blood on the print. How would she tell him? Would she point at the first sketch, the one where the figure looked like a medieval woodcut of Death himself, and point to his frail chest? â€Å"The first thing I noticed when I saw you was the life aura around you, and it was black. That's why I wouldn't let you give me your blood, Okata. You are dying.† â€Å"Okay,† he would say. â€Å"Thank you,† he would say, with his newly found grin.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Opera Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Opera - Movie Review Example The previous notions will be compared to the real performance as displayed by the video recording. The opening act describes a young Japanese female. She is identified as Butterfly. She fall victim of an American soldier who in this case intends to marry her but plans negatively. The act sees butterfly and her husband sing a duet in an effort to express their love. Years later Butterfly spends much of her time contemplating what had happen, as she patiently waits for her husband to return. Those surrounding her discourage her decision to wait for her lover (A Quite Night, 2014). New eventually reaches her that her lover was to return to Japan and she spends most of her time waiting for the day he would return. The musical opera take another twist to present a sense of suspense. The final act sees Butterfly husband arriving but the exhausted butterfly sleeps and misses the chance to see him arrive (A Quite Night, 2014). The scene ends tragically as Butterfly takes her own life. The opening scene is characterized with a minimal orchestral. A homorhythm texture disc4ibed the opening scene. This created a suspense mood that is needed for the introduction of the opera performance. The high tone represented excitement describing the mood displaced when Butterfly meet her husband and when she reunites with the husband after many years of waiting. The soloist created tonal variation that played part in connecting the music to the dramatic events unfolding in the opera movie. The smooth voice of Pinkerton (Butterfly’s husband) creates a romantic mood. Butterfly’s voice creates combines well with the orchestra to create a perfect opera performance to accompany the romantic theme created by the butterfly and Pinkerton. The high and low tone created by the orchestra was effective as it indicted change of scenes to represent events that led to the death of Butterfly. The movie creates a unique aspect in opera performance. The combination of

Literature Program Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Literature Program Paper - Essay Example Education is one of the primary and essential activities especially for the preschool-aged children (i.e. children aged between 3 to 5 years) which bestows numerous advantages. In accordance with the present day context, the increasing pace of global economy has resulted in a major emphasis upon the importance of education at the early stage of the life of children which enables them to enhance their human virtue along with facilitating them to cope with different environmental and social factors. Based on the importance and essentiality of education at the early stage, this report intends prepare an effective literature plan especially for the preschool children through identifying the development goals which may enable to support the language, intellectual, personality, social and moral as well as aesthetic and creative development of the preschool age children. ... A range of developmental activities as well as strategies will be implemented in order to perform a streamlined experiential learning (Childs Play Learning Center, 2011). The literature program will also involve television as the primary media which would broadcast various initiatives of the literature program which would enable to draw community involvement. In addition, the parents will be considered as a major part of this literature program to increase the efficiency of the preschool learning activities. Identifying the Development Goals Language The language development activities in the literature program will be focused on providing performing activities which allow the preschool children to effectively understand and develop their linguistic skills. In order enhance the capability of the preschool children the activities will be performed independently for each age group. Moreover, telling stories will also be an effective activity which would enable the preschoolers to remai n interested with regard to the learning process (Childs Play Learning Center, 2011). Intellectual Learning In order to enhance the intellectual capability of the preschoolers, it’s important to observe regarding how the children tend to practice while doing any activity. As it can be observed that predominantly preschool children learn through observing and doing various activities by themselves. Therefore, the literature program will be focused on different cognitive areas such as numbers, shapes and colors which may enable the preschoolers to enhance their intellectual skills (University of Illinois Board of Trustees, 2013). Personality Development Personality development is

Thursday, September 26, 2019

M2A1 - Q3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

M2A1 - Q3 - Essay Example In the case of inflation, an organization can undergo a huge loss since the manufacturing cost will be affected. In the same case, the government issues out regulatory restriction against a certain product. If the government burns a trade of a certain product, it means that the organization will have to dispose of and undergo loss. Regional conflict also will affect the market status in that; individual will not be willing to shop from a certain communities businesses (Newton, 2011). Organization culture affects the progress of the company. Organization whose employees work under different culture collapses latter. In order to manage culture, a leader must make the culture a priority. This can be achieved by uniting, refocusing and regrouping the workers to have a team and winning environment. The leader should also change the negative energy to a positive one. This can be done by utilizing the challenges at hand and complains to generate new ideas, path of success and innovation (Newton, 2011). The leaders should also meet with the company and share the vision and fiscal status to ensure that everything is handled before it becomes a challenge. Leaders should share a positive vision to employees and ensure that each person in the organization understands and rally around a vision. This will ensure employee motivation since they will fell as if they are attached and also are part of the company and be motivated to work and achieve the visions (Gordon, 2014). In conclusion, the continuity and progress of the organization is in the hands of the leaders. Leaders should be conversant with the leadership strategies, which can bring about organizational motivations. Despite the variables available, leaders should be able to use the leadership strategies to ensure organization’s progress and

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Risk Management Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Risk Management Issues - Essay Example 54, 2009). One decision that appears from this scrutiny is the quantity of resources that the organization should have to provide cushion for potential failures that can take place during the way of its trading actions. In view of the fact that trading revenue is doubtful, despite the fact that, a significant risk management activity concentrates on the risk extent crisis - calculating how huge potential failures could be. Corresponding activities entail the examining as well as enforcement of risk-related trading restrictions, by this means helping the risk amended performance assessment of individual trading bureaus (Chapman & Ward, p. 42, 2003). These two phases of the risk management function turn the resources distribution decision into an optimisation issue: very small sum puts the firm in front of extreme levels of risk, although excessively huge sum increases financing expenditures as well as lessens productivity. The point of complexity with which the risk management role is carried out has progressed considerably during current years. Evidently, there are still significant issues whose answers would improve the task’s usefulness all the more. These issues come under three groups: (1) risk management functions, (2) risk forms, and (3) risk measurement execution concerns (Abkowitz, p. 76, 2008). The risk management issues put huge stress on attempting to get the â€Å"probability distribution† for the income of the entire company. Risk managers are particularly â€Å"interested in the extreme left-hand tail of this distribution as a predictor of the largest ex post loss that the firm could experience† (Olson & Wu, p. 65, 2007). After that, to offer assurance of firm-wide solvency, the organization would have resources more than that quantity. Then again, this whole quantity of resources should as well be distributed between the individual trading bureaus so that their job can be assessed on a risk-amended base. As a result of unsati sfactory correlations with bureaus’ revenue flows, the level of possible failures for the entire organization is not more than its total for the individual trading companies, forming the following procedural problem: if risk managers assess the company’s resources satisfactoriness condition initially and after that disaggregate the outcome for distribution to individual companies, they are susceptible to reserve misallocations between bureaus (Khan & Zsidisin, p. 89, 2011). The substitute of calculating capital prerequisites on the individual company level primarily and after that combining the outcomes with the help of a set of approximate correlations, alternatively, is prone to the possibility of overcapitalising the company altogether. Despite the fact that a lot of companies acknowledge the contradiction of depending on both approaches, the most excellent existing practice in the derived business supports the â€Å"bottom-up approach† (Smith & Merritt, p. 7 9, 2002), to a certain extent due to a custom of calculating the different sorts of risk (such as credit, marketplace, functioning) autonomously as well as being acquainted with the different comparative significance of these risk forms amid companies. The expansion of a incorporated tactic which conserved this point of specialisation devoid of giving up exactness on the universal level would be a considerable step ahead. Authoritarian organizations force funds prerequisites on

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

German assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

German - Assignment Example oon during daytime and will tie a rope in the oak tree and pull the moon down and when it lays on the ground, they will cover it with cloth so no one will notice the robbery. 6. Once back home, what do they do with the moon, and how do the people and dwarfs react? Once the travelers got home, they happily placed the moon up the oak tree and the people were glad the entire field as well as all of the chambers were filled with brightness, while the dwarfs came out and danced with joy. 7. When one of the travelers is getting sick and facing death, what does he order? When one of the travelers fell ill and foresaw his death, he requested that the fourth part or a quarter of the moon should be given to him and be laid upon his coffin. 9. Describe what the dead do when they wake up. When parts of the moon re-united in the underworld, the 4 travelers rose from their grave and became astonished when they knew that they could still see. They became amusing and accepted of the magistrate’s old life-style again. And eventually, they play, dance, get drunk until they finally quarreled to each and everyone. 10. Why do the dead prefer the moon to the sun? The dead prefer the moon because this is the only thing that they do not have in their previous land and that they could take parts of the moon to themselves. Once, there was a land that lived in complete darkness – no moon has ever appeared in it but only stars. When the sun set behind mountains, there comes a luminous ball stood high up an oak tree and generously poured out light to the entire land. Hence, the luminous ball in the oak tree served as a moon for the people who lived there. One night, four travelers who have came from another country planned to steal the luminous ball so they could bring it to their magistrate and her land that does not have a moon. They asked a farmer what that luminous ball stand for and later found out that it was their â€Å"moon† and could only give light or brilliance by pouring

Monday, September 23, 2019

Critical Response (SPANISH) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical Response (SPANISH) - Essay Example Argentina gozaba de un gobierno republicano y Brasil ese mismo aà ±o cambiarà ­a su gobierno monà ¡rquico en un gobierno republicano. Estos factores contribuyeron a que ambas naciones se mostraran entusiastas con presentar sus mejores imà ¡genes ante el mundo en la Exposicià ³n Universal de Parà ­s. Fernà ¡ndez Bravo concluye su artà ­culo sobre la participacià ³n de Argentina y Brasil en este evento internacional enfatizando que desde un punto de vista estos paà ­ses fracasaron en mostrar una imagen favorable y desde otro punto de vista tuvieron à ©xito en otros aspectos. El autor citado resume su ensayo del siguiente modo: â€Å"Tanto en el pabellà ³n brasilero como en el argentino, las mercancà ­as funcionaron como actores de un espectà ¡culo en el que se intentaron reflejar nuevas imà ¡genes de la nacià ³n. En ninguno de los dos casos estos retratos parecen haber sido exitosos frente a la percepcià ³n europea, que siguià ³ considerà ¡ndolos paà ­ses exà ³ticos y todavà ­a alejados de los està ¡ndares del progreso universal. Sin embargo, en su imagen domà ©stica las iconografà ­as montadas en la Exposicià ³n Universal de 1889 parecen haber construido representaciones perdurables en la memoria colectiva: las de paà ­ses ricos en materias primas y marcados por ellas, como una cifra de la naturaleza americana nacionalizada, finalmente sometida por los dispositivos estatales que la transformaron en objeto de consumo y tambià ©n en un espectà ¡culo. Un espectà ¡culo poblado de mercancà ­as pero todavà ­a vacà ­o del sujeto colectivo que los pabellones parecà ­an querer imaginar: aq uà ©l que ayudarà ­a a construir la inmigracià ³n europea, en la que veà ­an un remedio para los problemas que aquejaban a sus naciones.† Por un lado, los pabellones de Argentina y Brasil presentaron principalmente productos agrà ­colas como sus principales bondades que les daban identidad

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Concepts of Morality Essay Example for Free

Concepts of Morality Essay Define and compare the concepts of morality, law, and religion by explaining the source of each and whether one or all rely upon each other. Morality has to do with our ideas regarding what is right and what is wrong and how right and wrong behavior should be punished and rewarded. http://www. education. com/reference/article/moral-concepts-children/. As with the law and religion parts, they rely upon each other by the minds of many people. When religious leaders speak out on moral topics, their opinions are often treated with special deference. They are regarded as â€Å"moral experts. † This raises the question of: â€Å"Whether morality depends in some way on religion? † The answer to this question may be of considerable practical importance. If morality does depend on religion, the process of secularization, in the course of which religious belief and practice wither away, seems to pose a serious threat to morality. Most of the discussion in this entry will address the issue of whether moral requirements (obligations) and prohibitions (wrongness) depend on a deity of the sort to which the major monotheisms of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are committed. Discussions of whether morality depends on religion frequently focus exclusively on the deontological domain. Deontology consists of a system of requirements, permissions, and prohibitions. It is structurally similar to systems of law. Hence it’s natural to think of deontology as the domain of moral law. The question arises as to whether moral laws binding force depends on the authority of a divine lawgiver or religion belief expert. http://www. highbeam. com/doc/1G2-3446801737. html.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Addie Accident An Analysis

Addie Accident An Analysis Abstract Disability, moralization, mental satisfaction and self-assurance are the most important aspects in the novel Addie Accident. The focus of the current study is to understand the link of prejudices and ethics with this novel. The backbone of this study is the secondary data comprised of comprehensive literature review. One hypothesis is developed to check the connection of biases and moral values with Addie Accident. This hypothesis shows that mental disability and self-confidence have significant relationship with Addie Accident. This hypothesis is developed from literature review and we have also proved it with the help of critical study. Results conclude that Addie Accident is based on moralization as its end is justified in the sense that it elevates the social status of mentally sick people. Introduction Our everyday actions and interactions can influence people in many ways especially to those people who need our attention and support to survive in society and to live happily. The position of immobilized people in a society is not as standardized as the status of other people is because they are considered inferior to other folks who are normal and mental sickness is one of the agonizing human states. In this way, there is a desperate need to assemble certainty and quality in these people on every ground. The primary center of my exploration is to give consideration with respect to those rationally debilitated individuals who are overlooked from society. As, these people have their own specific rights and wishes however when they are disposed of from society, they get to be irregular and act in an uncalled for way. Such people cant defy the unforgiving circumstances of life as they are nonappearance of fortitude and quality. While discussing this issue, I have picked up a novel Addie Accident by Shirley Corlett which is by one means or another reveals profound quality in the public eye towards those individuals who by the stroke of fortunes dependably get snared in their own particular activities and exercises and after that are being censured by the others. But we cannot deny this fact that there are always two sides of picture. So here in this novel, there is only one character and that is Hubert who helps Addie. In addition, Addie Accident is an interesting novel flooded with fiascos and enterprises. Notwithstanding how hard Addie tries, mishaps simply appear to appear to her. However, in this novel profound quality offers us in light of the fact that at last, Addie assembles her certainty through one of her companions Hubert-the hapless who is likewise similar to her. He is conceived unfortunate as his name demonstrates this. He helps Addie in recapturing her certainty and quality. We can likewise say that both are conceived unfortunate as Addies dad says Our little Addie was conceived under an evil wind (12). However both Addie and Hubert turn into the cure of each other in the essential circumstance of their lives. In this way Hubert shows the factual side of the novel. So, in this paper I would like to explore how the characters except Hubert show their prejudices towards Addie in the novel? What is the role of ethics in Addie Accident? How Addie becomes an escapist in the novel? How does Hubert help Addie to get rid of her schizophrenia? Therefore, the basic theory which supports my contention is of The role of positive emotions in positive psychology by Barbara L. Fredrickson. The theory and findings acclaim that the ability to experience positive feelings may be a fundamental human quality principle to the study of human prospering. Understanding the psychology behind others exercises is a critical step with the objective that debilitated people can be propelled to encounter their lives as they wish to live. In this way, we ought to help these incapacitated individuals in developing such qualities as self-assurance, force, quality and resolution and so forth in them which may empower them to interface with alternate people and they may work and show their capability openly in the group with no trepidation of feeling of inadequacy. Literature Review The novel Addie Accident is based on ethical values and biases. The main protagonist of the novel Addie is unlucky, who is not crippled in physical sense but mentally. Things always go wrong when she intends to do anything. This leads to a serious gap in her personality and it is the main reason of her schizophrenia while such person cannot face the bitter realities of life and then he becomes unable to cope with society. People do not behave such persons in a way they should be rather they tease them and as a result, handicapped people find some other ways to pacify themselves just as Addies imaginary friends. Then a boy comes whose name is Hubert, helps her to get out of this situation and her misery. She is not physically disabled rather mentally unfit and she is born ill-fated while this is also the main tragic flaw in her personality. In the end of the novel, she builds her confidence through the help of Hubert and as a result, she becomes able to see the world with a new glance and a new perspective. In this way, ethics have been shown in this novel because the ending of Addie Accident is justified as there is an element of moralization and confidence. Behaviors towards incapacity must be known as the consequence of scientists working inside a structure that has officially made true blue the relationship between an analyst on handicap and crippled individuals. Thus, we should help these handicapped people to create such qualities as self-confidence, power, strength and will power etc. in them which may enable them to interact with the other folks and they may work and function freely in the community without any fear of inferiority complex. As, Bentham says, Everybody realizes that joy is a high esteem in present day society. Not just do individuals go for bliss in their own particular life, yet there is additionally bolster for we ought to administer to the joy of other individuals who are candidly and physically feeble in some way or another and that administrations ought to go for making more prominent joy for a more noteworthy number of subjects (Bentham 1789). McDowell and Newell (1987: 204) portray life-fulfillment as a Personal assessment of ones condition compared to an external reference standard or to ones aspirations. Moreover, Shin and Johnson (1978: 478) characterize life-fulfillment as a global assessment of a persons quality of life according to his chosen criteria. Fordyce (227) says Happiness is a particular emotion. It is an overall evaluation made by the individual in accounting all his pleasant and unpleasant experiences in the recent past. Chekolas (202) defines happiness as realization of a life-plan and the absence of seriously felt dissatisfaction and an attitude of being displeased with or disliking ones life. Similarly Sumner (145-146) states being happy as having a certain kind of positive attitude toward your life, which in the fullest form has both a cognitive and an affective component. The cognitive aspect of happiness consists in a positive evaluation of your life, a judgment that at least on balance; it measures up favorably against your standard or expectationsThe affective side of happiness consists in what we commonly call a sense of well-being, finding your life enriching or rewarding or feeling satisfied or fulfilled by it. (67) So Addie wants to live happily but she is disabled mentally and in this way she has no right in a society because crippled people are the lowest folks among any society. Nobody behaves to them in a proper way rather normal ones tease them and realize handicapped people that they are not fit for society. Being a mentally crippled girl, she should have her own rights and values which may help her to cope with society. Similarly, mentally sick people like Addie need special care and attention. Every member of society should pay heed to such abnormal persons. They should not have been victimized of frustration, annoyance, depression and above all inferiority complex. People with scholarly inabilities, then again, are frequently judged to have the sort of mental deformity that alleviates their risk. Shoemaker (2009) recommends, Individuals with mild intellectual disabilities are eligible for accountability primarily just by those with whom they already find themselves emotionally engaged, such as family, friends and caregivers. The reason for this, he argues, is that their developmental capacities have been limited to the stage of concrete operations. (455) In this manner, they cant acknowledge theoretical standards about common acknowledgment and responsibility among kindred individuals from the ethical group. Shoemaker subsequently says: Due to their cognitive capacities, persons with mild intellectual disabilities are able to appreciate only the concrete appeals from those they care about while often being unable to respond emotionally and morally in a proper way to the appeals of strangers. This notion could well be applied to most people because it appears to be a part of human condition that we tend to favor morally beings emotionally close to us (161). A journal Impaired individuals encounters of against social conduct and badgering in social lodging: a basic survey informs: A number of studies have looked at levels of harassment and victimization amongst disabled people. It is not always possible from the studies to be precise about the behavior which is involved as a number of terms are used: harassment, victimization, bullying. Nonetheless a consistent picture emerges from them all of very high rates of susceptibility to behaviour which falls within the definition of anti ­social social behaviour, and which is often targeted at people because of their impairment(07). Wood and Edward say Studies found extremely high levels of harassment and victimization for this group ranging between 47% and 60% of respondents having been a victim of some form of harassment.(205). Thurgood and Hames (1999) shown that16% had been hit by neighbours. (23). In the 2004 DRC(Disability Rights Commission) study over the scope of impedances, 73% of respondents reported having been verbally assaulted and 35% physically assaulted. Predominance was most elevated however amongst those with emotional well-being conditions. In the GLA study half had endured mishandle or tormenting. Kelly and Mckenna reveal Given the higher rates of disability amongst tenants of social landlords, and the indications in the research reported here, there is a need for a more comprehensive assessment of how social landlords respond to and encourage confidence in victims of anti ­social behaviour who are disabled.(74) Harassment is regularly depicted as a customized type of anti ­social conduct, i.e. it is coordinated at the specific casualty. This may happen on account of a particular normal for the casualty, for example, race or sexuality or, handicap. Glason says Disabled people are more likely to become harassed for simply standing out more, with people with the most visible impairments tending to be at even greater risk. Irresponsible media portrayals of disabled people have been roundly condemned in some quarters for exacerbating the problem. (19) As, DRC has presented a report which claims: It would appear that many disabled people have little confidence in the current options available to them for confronting and resolving harassment. Fear often makes them reluctant to report harassment. Disabled people lacked confidence in agencies such as the police or social housing providers to resolve problems relating to harassment or victimization. (DRC/ Capability Scotland, 2004). Finkelstein says it is society which handicaps debilitated individuals by not giving satisfactory offices to their complete coordination (32). He proceeds to propose a reversal of the wording used by Harris I recommend changing the meaning of the words impairment and handicap around. Along these lines a man is debilitated when he is socially kept from full investment by the way society is masterminded (19). Another debilitated essayist has recommended the definition ought not to be based upon insufficiency but rather just on the level of belittling or separation they encounter on the premise of their physical condition (17). While clearly such a contemplated a considerable measure of discourse and common contention, reality remains that any try at course of action must make note of the points of view of the crippled themselves. In actuality the inaugural meeting of the Disabled Peoples International, addressing more than fifty nations, starting late rejected the International Classif ication of Impairment, ineptitudes and Handicap proposed by the World Health Organization (1980). Thats why crippled people have to face many problems because they are considered less than normal human beings. As a result they become the victim of inferiority complex, depression, anger and frustration. But in spite of all this, disabled folks should be given their proper rights and values. They should not be underestimated by teasing about their physical or mental condition or weaknesses rather every person of society ought to encourage and help them. They must be given special attention so that they may not consider themselves low. The distinction is that some individuals with incapacities require this bolster all the more seriously, in more aspects of their life and for more periods. Research methodology The purpose of this study is to find out predispositions and moralization in the novel and their relationship with Addie. To achieve the research purpose, secondary sources have been used to collect the data. Secondly, we have reviewed related theory to explain that the novel Addie Accident has both the elements of prejudices and morality in this sense that Addie, central character of the novel is suffering from schizophrenia. She is a victim of bullies because everything becomes topsy-turvy when she wants to do something. But in the end, in spite of all this, she builds her confidence with the help of her friend Hubert who helps her to get rid of being accident prone. Then she becomes able to see everything according to her own viewpoint. Theory of the role of positive emotions in positive psychology by a psychologist Dr. Barbara L. Fredrickson supports this study. This theory expresses that specific discrete constructive feelings-including bliss, interest, contentment, pride, and l ove-despite the fact that phenomenological particular, all share the capacity to expand individuals flashing thought-activity collections and assemble their persisting individual assets, extending from physical and scholarly assets to social and psychological assets. We have chosen qualitative research method as it is concerned with the explanation of social phenomena, the world in which we live, its social aspects and why things are in the way they are. Secondary data comprised of published research, internet material and academic research has been used. Critical study In the book Addie Accident, a girl named Addie is mentally sick because no matter how hard Addie tries, mishaps just seem to happen to her. She is Bullied at school when one of the boys says, you clumsy dumbo! (09). When she receives such remarks, tears of anger burn in her heart and she begins to hate those big bullies. Later on she gets entangled her head between the railings of her school and then injures. Upon this, instead of helping her to get out of her head between the railings, her teacher Miss Forrest arrives and says, Common sense flies out the window when one is dealing with Addie Harris. She has to be the most accident-prone child Ive ever known. (11) after this when her dad comes back to his house, his face wears a look of apprehension and resignation. After a while, he says, the jinx has hit again. Our little Addie was born under an ill wind. (12) Her mother always encourages her with this notion that one day Addie will get rid of all these things and she does not scold her. She hugs Addie and says, Dont look so glum, love. Its not the end of the world. Why dont you write me a story? I love your stories. Theyre so imaginative. (12) Anyone thinks that she does things on purpose. She gets the blame for everything and it is not fair. Addies sister, Candice also hates her because she always creates chaos which is not her fault but due to her mental disability. It is said about her sister, everything embarrassed Candice, especially anything her younger sister did. (13) Candice and including everyone becomes to hate her, she scares people and kids steer clear, either of their own accord or because their parents order them to. Candice says to Addie, youre a magnet for accidents (17). Addie has her own special friends that no one else knows about. Friends she can pluck out of her head. Friends who love to play with her. Using her imagination is the only other thing apart from walking on her hands that Addie is good at. It is a place where shadows fall where they shouldnt where ripples move leaves when there is no breeze and where whisper fills empty spaces. It is the door to imagination land, where her imaginary friends live. As Shirley says in the book, This was her place! This was where imagination land existed. There were no adults, no teachers, no teasing kids or bullies like Georgina and Leah to pick on her. This was her very own world, complete with her very own sovereign. Enchantress Chu. (21) Addies friends are always keen to follow her in the adventurous schemes she makes. They never betray, never blame, never laugh, scoff or scold. And most special of all is that imagination land is a place where accidents are unheard of. Her imagination land makes her feel scummy. Her Miss Forrest says to her, There were two sides to a brain. There was the logical side and the dream side. You used the logical side for normal everyday use, but when you wrote stories you swapped over to the dream side because thats where your imagination lived. Addie used the dream side of her brain lots more than she used the logical side (23). Addies imagination is the source for producing ideas. No ideas and then there will be no imaginary friends. And without them, life is super lonely. But what she actually needs is a friend like herself, an accident-prone friend. One who will sympathize her and that sort of friend who will never desert her. Although it is much harder to imagine someone like herself. Then one day she encounters such friend in real life whose name is Hubert the hapless. Addie asks him, Whats hapless mean? And he says: Means unfortunate. Everything I touch turns bad. Im hopeless at everything. Everyones scared of me. Everyone hates me. Im forever in trouble. Always in the wrong place at the wrong time. (41) It is as he has described her but Addie does not believe this and questions Hubert whether he is really exist or he is mere her imagination. Upon this, Hubert says, Im Hubert the hapless. Your soul mate and Im like you. (41) Then both Addie and Hubert become friends. He informs her that soon they will get rid of their ill-luck by doing special kind of charms and Hubert says, We work together at curing ourselves. (50) In this way both prove therapeutic partners for each other. Hubert helps Addie in building her confidence so that she may live her life as she expected to live. Then Addie says to Hubert when they both finish their charm, I finally did something right. Everyone says Im brave (212). And then Hubert states, Things are different now. Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that is weà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦can make decisions for ourselves. We dont need to blame everyone else for the trouble we get into. Weve learned to be responsible for our own actions. (213) later on both talk each other for a while and then Hubert begins to leave by saying, Now I can live in your imagination land forever (226). And then he disappears. As a result of all this, Addie gains her self-confidence and becomes a confident girl. And now her psychic disorder has been cured. Conclusion The nitty and gritty of the whole discussion is that society can and ought to do all conceivable to take out building hindrances in the method for handicapped individuals. There is a great deal that should be possible to change this, including better instruction; guaranteeing there are more open doors for impaired individuals and individuals why should handicapped have constructive connections; and empowering more constructive depictions of inability and incapacitated individuals in the media. End of provocation of incapacitated individuals is additionally a fundamental stride that is identified with their handicap. Old generalizations and mistaken assumptions of handicap should be supplanted by new social developments. Everybody must advance inspirational states of mind towards debilitated individuals. As this research paper has shown, most of the issues connected with mental inabilities are socially built and in that capacity are the honest to goodness topic of this order. The certainty remains that the personal satisfaction experienced by the larger part of impeded individuals in current society is impressively lower than that delighted in by their capable counterparts. Along these lines, expanding individual contact with individuals with handicaps by supporting them to get to instruction, livelihood and social exercises on an equivalent balance with other people may end up being the most critical and evenhanded of intercessions. This will be done through inspecting instruction and vocation strategies and handling the obstructions that counteract individuals with incapacities getting to fitting training and job opportunities and taking part in social life.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Need For Structural Transformation Through Ebusiness Business Essay

Need For Structural Transformation Through Ebusiness Business Essay There are various theories on the subject which enrich our modern days understanding of the subject and make us appreciate how and why organisations strategise their decisions. How does Coca Cola know that its strength lie in adding various lines of beverages such as energy drinks, sports drinks, health drinks when others are just making aerated drinks? Or how does Estee Lauder through its various marketing brands cater to different segments the original Estee Lauder for older women, Clinique for middle aged women, M.A.C. for youthful hipsters, Aveda to aromatherapy enthusiasts and Origins for eco conscious consumers. Michael Porters acclaimed Five Forces of Competitive Position model explains a simple perspective for evaluating and analysing the competitive strength and position of a corporation or business organisation. Let us understand each force and its implication for the Strategic Planners in the Case of FedEx Industry Competitors This refers to the existing players in an industry unless and until there is a first mover advantage. But sooner or later, other firms enter and pose a direct threat to ones profits. In the case of FedEx, UPS was a competitor though till 1982 UPS was not directly competing in the overnight delivery segment. And so the rule of the game have to be maneuvered keeping in mind what other firms are doing in the industry. Potential Entrants The threat of a new firm entering into the industry is more when its easier relatively for an organisation to enter the industry in other words, entry barriers are low. An organisation planning to enter the industry will contemplate various decisions such as the loyalty of customers to existing products, how soon the economies of scale can be achieved, do they have access to suppliers, and would they face government legislation, discouraging them or promote them in any manner to enter the industry. FedEx had a lot of first mover advantages. It was the first company to give the drivers hand held scanners for sending alerts to customers for each pick up and delivery. In 1994, it became the first big transport company to launch a website that included tracking and tracing capabilities, but by 2000 when DHL, TNT and UPS were fierce competitors., these advantages were lost as customers took all these facilities as granted and did not see any incremental value. Thus as more firms enter the market, the dynamics change and this calls for a continuous innovation stream and realignment of corporate strategy which has become the hallmark of FedEx over the years. By integrating its services and managing the supply-chain of its customers, it generated customer loyalty and increased the customer switching costs. Thus FedEx managed to effectively introduce the barriers to entry for competitors. Threats of substitute products or services The availability of products services outside the common product boundaries raises the likelihood of customers to switch to alternatives. Are there alternative products that clients can buy over your product that provides the same benefits at a lesser price? In the case of FedEx, this threat was low at the time it entered the market. There was no other way to make time sensitive documents reach overnight in a reliable fashion. Bargaining power of buyers The bargaining power of clients is also expressed as the market of outputs: the ability of customers to put the firm under pressure, which also governs the customers sensitivity to price changes. Strategic Planners at FedEx realised this from the beginning. The underlying philosophy at FedEx was that whenever businesses grow, there is always move of physical goods. This shows that the management team at FedEx took cognisance of customer sensitivity and their power. It always laid emphasis on speed and reliance in moving time sensitive documents. Bargaining power of suppliers Suppliers are critical for the success of a firm. Raw materials are required to complete the finished product of the organisation. Suppliers have immense power. This power comes from: If they are the main supplier or one of the rare suppliers who supply that particular raw material. If it is relatively costlier for the company to move from one supplier to another (known also as switching cost) If there are no other substitutes for their product. FedEx made judicious decisions in selecting their technology partners. Whether it was tying up with COSMOS or making a deal with Netscape in 1999, it leveraged its IT partners to the fullest. Value chain is described by Dagmar Recklies in the following words: Value chain analysis described by Porter refers to the activities within and around a company, and links them to an analysis of the competitive strength of an organization. It thus assesses which value each particular activity brings to the organizations products or services. D.K. Likhi in the article Motives of Strategic Alliances formation: Value Chain perspective states the following:   Porter says that the capability to perform particular activities and to manage the linkages between these activities is a source of competitive advantage. In his well-known book Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining superior Performance (1985) Porter distinguishes between primary activities and support activities. Primary activities are straightforwardly linked with the creation or delivery of a product or service. They can be assembled into five main parts namely inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service. Each of these primary activities is joined to sustain activities which help to improve their competence or efficacy. There are four major areas of support activities: procurement, technology development (including RD), human resource management, and infrastructure (systems for planning, finance, quality, information management etc.).   The basic model of Porters Value Chain is presented here- Moreover, the term à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Margin denotes that organisations realise a profit margin that depends on their aptitude to handle the linkages between all activities in the value chain. In the case of FedEx Strategic Planners at FedEx have been able to leverage both its primary and secondary activities and ensured that they reap high margins. Its focus on Technology Development proved that even a secondary activity can become critical in defining success. FedExs success lay in its pro-activeness. It realised that mere express delivery will not take it far; in order to revolutionise the globe, it will have to focus on total logistics and supply chain solution. Core Competencies and Capabilities at FedEx A core competency is a unique factor that a business considers as being central to the way it, or its employees, works. It fulfills three key criteria: It provides consumer benefits It is not easy for competitors to imitate It can be leveraged widely too many products and markets. When we analyse the case, it becomes evident that FedEx had various core competencies and capabilities. Firstly, it is the underlining philosophy and the vision of the management at FedEx. Innovation and Pro-activeness is a culture in itself; either the organisation has it or it does not. When others in the industry were competing on prices, FedEx was thinking how to integrate seamlessly with its customers and provide value. It was thinking of emerging into a global logistics and supply chain company while others in the industry were complacent being express delivery firms. In 1974, FedEx opened a small warehouse for Parts Bank and thus embarked on the journey of logistic management. Fred Smith, Chairman of FedEx Corporation was a visionary; he realised that overnight delivery of time sensitive documents was a brilliant business idea. He mastered that speed and reliance were crucial in this business for clients. In the nascent years when other players were buying space on commercial airlines, FedEx acquired its own transportation fleet. Such a vision was instrumental in saving huge costs to the company in the latter years. Secondly, the use of breakthrough technology and internet acted as another core competence. In 1980s, FedEx became the first company to give its drivers hand held scanners that were used to send alerts to customers every time a packet was picked up or delivered. It became the first big transport company to have a website with tracking and tracing facilities in 1994. It had started putting customers catalogues on the website. Thus FedEx had started redefining sources and procurement strategies for its clients who were very happy with these value added services, they had in a way outsourced their entire supply chain management to FedEx. Thirdly, leveraging relationships as a strategy acted as yet another major competency for FedEx. It started using COSMOS tracking network in 1979 and provided tracing and tracking services with the advent of internet. In 1999, it made a deal with Netscape to offer a suite of delivery services at its netcenter portal. This meant automatic integration of Netscape FedEx by means of which FedEx gained an added access to 13 million members who were there on the portal. As we see FedEx leveraged both, backward integration with its IT Technology partners on one hand and forward integration with many of its clients like Dell Cisco on the other. Thus as of January 2000, FedEx became the worlds largest overnight package carrier with about 30 percent market share. Main Advantages Disadvantages of international trade to FedEx Corporation FedEx gained tremendously from International trade. Its tie up with Dell, Cisco, NatSemi and Netscape vouch for the fact that such backward and forward integrations would not have been possible if it had not ventured out of its home market. The management also exploited the use of internet and e-commerce to the best of its advantage. It started tying up with companies worldwide and managed its customers effectively. FedEx was able to service as an extended, fully outsourced logistics supply chain division of global companies. It introduced various e-Business Tools for faster connections with FedEx shipping and tracking applications. As early as in 1974, it started logistics operations with Parts Bank and built up a small warehouse at Memphis. Thus when others were just competing on prices and speed, FedEx was already way ahead with its first value added service way beyond transportation. However when one goes international, there are disadvantages as well. FedEx increased its scope of work and base, spreading itself too thin. Multiple brands worldwide became difficult to manage. Costs started multiplying as each sub business had its own accounting, sales and marketing costs. While the likes of UPS had the advantage of promoting just one brand UPS to sell the company and its many service offerings, FedEx was trying to promote five different sub-companies with completely unrelated names business logos under the FDX banner with separate sales and customer service teams. However a re-alignment and re-branding strategy was timely planned and international trades advantages far out weighed its disadvantages and costs. Section II Classical Evolutionary School of Thought the case of FedEx Strategy Theory is such a vast, multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary academic field with competing schools of thought with each one taking a different view as to what strategy is aiming to achieve that it becomes almost impossible to compare any two schools. Let us look at some of the schools of thought in the domain of strategy and see the relevance of the same in the case of FedEx. The classical view of strategy is supported on the military parlance, in which the world is a fixed hierarchy with a solitary general who makes decisions. The concept has a long history in the military and if we see etymologically, strategy literally means what the generals do. However problem exists when some theorists take this too literally and try to replicate this in the business domain as it is. The military model is supported by an intellectual inheritance from economics. Many economists placed this singular figure right at the heart of their ideation of strategy as an highly structured game of move and counter-move, bluff and counter-bluff, between competing yet interdependent businesses. This view of individuals in association with Smiths view that each individual is continual wielding himself to find out the most profitable employment of whatever capital he can command, creates a stereotype of the manager who is focused on maximising return on investment. Classical strategy places immense assurance in the readiness and capacity of managers to adopt profit maximising strategies through rational long-term planning. Such cases are a rarity as businesses do not comprise of ideal economic man. managers not only fall short to set output at the theoretically profit-maximising level where marginal costs precisely equal marginal revenue, but most managers have no clue what their marginal costs and marginal revenue curves are! Economists attuned to this business stupidity by letting the markets do the thinking. With this view of the world, markets not managers opt the prevailing strategies within a particular environment. For those strategists who stick to the evolutionary view of competition, survivors may emerge to be those who have adapted themselves to the environment. Competition is the mainly useful form of weeding out inefficiency or lack of adaptation, hence simple access into markets is the way to ensure healthy industries. Application of the Schools in the case of FedEx In the case of FedEx, we see an amalgamation of both the schools happening. When the firm has a first mover advantage, at times it is possible to relate its thinking, and actions with the Classical School Of Thought. From 1973 onwards, Fred Smith, Chairman of the group steered the company through breakthrough technical advances and innovative practices. It is similar to the Classical Ideology of maximising profits and shaping the industry, so to speak. It was Freds vision that enabled the organization to transform itself from an express delivery company to a global logistics supply chain company. He took the right decisions at the right time most of which were instrumental in making it the market leader at that time and even some thirty years later! Noteworthy are the following actions As early as 1974, FedEx realised the importance of value added services and the transformation into a logistics company. It tied up with Parts Bank and built up a small warehouse at Memphis to provide storage facility. Smith insisted of acquiring his own transportation fleet while others were booking space on public carriers. FedEx was the first company to introduce hand held scanners for drivers; this facilitated sending alerts to clients for pick up and delivery. In 1994, it was the first transport company to have a website with tracking and tracing facilities. In 1999, FedEx tied up with Netscape and thus gained access to millions of customers who were already on Netscape portal. It tied up with Dell, Cisco NatSemi and almost acted as their logistics and supply chain management. The above are some of the examples to prove that from 1973 to 1999, there were a number of incidents which make us feel that management at FedEx acted in a Classical fashion and tried to maximize its profits and returns on investments as much as possible. However when we look at the Re-branding strategy that was undertaken by the management in January 2000, it shows us the application of Evolutionary School of Thought strategy. Towards 2000, UPS, TNT and DHL were strongly competing with FedEx. FedEx had five subsidiary companies each with separate sales, marketing and customer service staff. Each unit had its own accounting practices. They were targeting different segments and were working independently. But this strategy resulted in a lot of duplicity of resources and wastage of time efforts. The subsidiaries were not even to leverage any synergies, not even the legacy of the FedEx brand. This is when the management at FedEx looked around and learnt from market and the competition. It undertook a major re-branding and re-alignment of resource strategy. All subsidiaries had FedEx branding thus denoting that it came from the same brand. They leveraged the consolidated pool of sales, marketing, accounting and customer service operations. It became a one-stop-shop for all sized of customers, whether it was business-to-business, home delivery, ground or heavy steel plates. Typically this is true in any industry and a new firm that enters the market at an early stage. The firm can operate in a classical manner, calling the shots. This is possible because of several reasons low threat of competitors, virtually no substitutes, low bargaining power of customers and high switching costs. This is typical in the case of FedEx as well. But the dynamics change, when other firms enter and the market becomes mature. In that scenario, it is not the firm but the market that decides. This scene can be seen in other industries as well. When Coca cola started operations, it was the king in the aerated segment, charging a price that it deemed fit and the customers were more than willing to pay the same, but years later when competition got ripe, such advantages disappear. There is a tendency to compete on prices, value added services because of which the market decides the viable price. To Coca Cola, the threat was not only from Pepsi and other soft drink beverages but even from other health drinks and water! This is when the entire product mix was realigned and Coca Cola introduced sports drinks, health drinks, tea coffee. Hence it is not a question of preference. It is which school is applicable as pet the time and maturity level of the industry. More often than not, we see that most of the times in a mature set up it is the Evolutionary School of Thought which is more relevant as market forces determine the pace and the direction in which change is required. Businesses which realize this well in time and pick up timely cues and act upon them thrive, while others wither with time. Section III Processual School of Thought, Staceys Four Loops and Strategy Implications A processual view of an organization suggests that organizations are a cocktail of individuals, each of who brings their own personalities, personal agendas and cognitive biases to the organization. Thus, strategy is a continuing process of adjustment evolvement because rational economic man is only a state of utopia and people are only boundedly rational. Most Processual scholars argue that because of these constraints, strategy is nothing else but the continuous adjusting of routines to awkward messages and cues from the environment which gradually force themselves on the managers attention. Strategy is not only planned and executed action, but it is also a means to make meaning of the chaos of the world. Staceys Integrated Model of Decision making and Control The Staceys Matrix is a critical tool that helps one navigates when faced with complexity in the field of strategy. This tool helps in adopting the right management action defines the strategy that one should focus at when faced in a complex environment with varying degree of certainty and agreement amongst the group in the organisation. Let us understand the axis first 1. Closeness to Certainty: Concerns or decisions are close to certainty when cause and effect linkages can be evaluated. This is mostly the case when a very similar issue or decision has been made in the past sometime. One can then assess and relate from past experience to predict the outcome of an action with a good degree of certainty. 2. Far from Certainty: The opposite of the above, is the extreme end of the certainty continuum. They are decisions that are far from certainty. These scenarios are often unique or at least new to the decision makers. The cause and effect connections are not clear. Extrapolating from past experience is surely not a good method to predict outcomes in the far from certainty range. 3. Agreement: The vertical axis measures the degree of agreement about an issue or decision within the group, team or organisation. As you would presume, the management or leadership function changes depending on the level of agreement surrounding an issue. Four Loops: Rational Loop Rational Decision Making is possible when there is closeness to certainty and closeness to agreement. In such cases, the group has a consensus on views, options and decisions; also high certainty permits references from the past. There is less risk involved so it is fairly easy to take a rational decision. As per the Processual School of Thought, such cases are a rarity in real time. Even if there is absolute clarity or certainty about an issue, to find absolute agreement in team is seldom possible. This is because each individual comes with his own objectives and interests. Political Loop Overt Covert Some themes have a great chance of certainty about how outcomes are created but high levels of disagreement about which results are desirable. Neither plans nor shared objectives are probably to work in this context. Instead, politics become more significant. Coalition building, negotiation, and compromise are used to make the organisations agenda and direction. Some misgivings have a high level of agreement but not much conviction as to the cause and effect linkages to create the sought after results. In these cases, monitoring against a set plan will not work. A sound sense of shared mission or vision may substitute for a plan in these cases. Comparisons are made not against plans but against the purpose and vision for the organisation. In this region, the objective is to head towards an agreed upon future state even though the specific paths cannot be prearranged. Culture Cognition As per the Cultural School of Thought, strategy formation is a collective process of social interaction, based on the beliefs and understandings shared by the team members of an organisation. Stacey defines culture as a set of assumptions people simply accept without question as they interact with each other. Thus strategy is based on perceptions and is deliberate if not fully conscious. This goes well with Processual School as well, because it assumes that people come with different perceptions and learn through a tacit process of acculturation. To conclude the above discussion, we can contemplate that strategies are often evolving, their coherence accruing through action and perceived in retrospect, while successive small steps finally merge into a pattern.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

To Kill A Mockingbird Essay: Use of Symbolism :: Kill Mockingbird essays

Use of Symbolism in To Kill A Mockingbird "I'd rather you shoot at tin cans in the backyard, but I know you'll go after birds. Shoot all the bluejays you want , if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." This is what Atticus Finch tells his children after they are given air-rifles for Christmas. Uniquely, the title of the classic novel by Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird, was taken from this passage. At first glance, one may wonder why Harper Lee decided to name her book after what seems to be a rather insignificant excerpt. After careful study, however, one begins to see that this is just another example of symbolism in the novel. Harper Lee uses symbolism rather extensively throughout this story, and much of it refers to the problems of racism in the South during the early twentieth century. Harper Lee's effective use of racial symbolism can be seen by studying various examples from the book. This includes the actions of the children, the racist whites, and the actions of Atticus Finch. The actions of the children in this novel certainly do have their share of symbolism. For instance, the building of a snowman by Jem and Scout one winter is very symbolic. There was not enough snow to make a snowman entirely out of snow, so Jem made a foundation out of dirt, and then covered it with what snow they had. One could interpret this in two different ways. First of all, the creation of the snowman by Jem can be seen as being symbolic of Jem trying to cover up the black man and showing that he is the same as the white man, that all human beings are virtually the same. Approval of these views is shown by Atticus when he tells Jem, "I didn't know how you were going to do it, but from now on I'll never worry about what'll become of you, son, you'll always have an idea." The fire that night that engulfed Miss Maudie Atkinson's house can be seen as the prejudice of Maycomb County, as the fire melted the snow from the snowman, and left nothing but a clump of mud. The fire depicts the prejudice people of the county saying that blacks and whites are, certainly, not the same. Another way of looking at the symbolism of the snowman would be to say that Jem's combination of mud and snow signifies miscegenation, marriage or sexual relations between persons of different races.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Use of the Golden Ratio in Our World Essay -- divine proportion, Fibon

Leonardo of Pisa, better known as Fibonacci, was born in Pisa, Italy, about 1175 AD. He was known as the greatest mathematician of the middle ages. Completed in 1202, Fibonacci wrote a book titled Liber abaci on how to do arithmetic in the decimal system. Although it was Fibonacci himself that discovered the sequence of numbers, it was French mathematician, Edouard Lucas who gave the actual name of "Fibonacci numbers" to the series of numbers that was first mentioned by Fibonacci in his book. Since this discovery, it has been shown that Fibonacci numbers can be seen in a variety of things today. He began the sequence with 0,1,†¦ and then calculated each successive number from the sum of the previous two. This sequence of numbers is called the Fibonacci Sequence. The Fibonacci numbers are interesting in that they occur throughout both nature and art. Especially of interest is what occurs when we look at the ratios of successive numbers. The Fibonacci numbers play a significant role in nature and in art and architecture. When you construct a set of rectangles using the seque...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bad Decisions Essay

I have realized recently that friends should not have any affect at all on the decisions you make in life. It does not matter whether you are a middle school student, high school student, college student, or even a grown and mature adult. Making a wrong decision at the wrong time can have many negative affects on life, I know because I’ve been there. A wrong decision might only affect you temporarily or it could stay with you for the rest of your life. It could cost you a job or could keep you from getting into the college you dreamed of going to your whole life. The bad decisions are too much to risk. In a way, decisions should be made & held responsible only by the person making them. You should always think of how they will affect yourself and others. Never let a friend or anyone else force you to make a choice that could wind up hurting yourself or anybody. Always be careful, it could be something that could stick with you for life. Even think about how it could affect your family and friends. Would they be embarrassed by this choice? Would they be proud to tell other people about what you have done? Decision making can be seen as hard but also a very important skill. Some people may view it as an easy everyday thing, but to some it is harder. It is not always naturally apparent to some. My grandfather would say some people are born leaders and easily make decisions and some just are just not gifted in those areas. People should just make sure to evaluate the situation previous to making a decision that could hurt you or others. Taking advice from friends can be helpful, just think it through and make sure it is really the best thing for you too. But, keep in mind friends don’t always know what is best for you. Sometimes they don’t realize how it can affect you and they don’t even do this on purpose. I can even admit seeing myself doing it sometimes. Then again, this picture will fade when having fun, but make sure you always have it at reach in the back of your head. You never know when something could go wrong and ruin your life and opportunities. It is very important to always think of your future and what you want to do later in life. If you have always dreamed to go to medical school and become a OB/GYN don’t go out and under-age drink at a party and then go driving. You think now that you would never do anything like that, but in the moment you never know. Lots of people get caught in the moment and make a mistake thinking that most people get away with it. But if you go out there and drive drunk and kill a perfectly responsible person who has good judgment and makes good decisions you will be forced to live with that for the rest of your life. You will have to face their family face to face and tell them that you are the reason they lost their loved one. You also have to say how it was because of a bad decision. You just got caught up in the moment and wound up killing someone perfectly innocent. It goes from talking or being funny in class to something as serious as killing someone. Just imagine yourself in that scenario. When it comes to situations like this , nothing is funny anymore, it serious. It might seem that when you are young there is nothing to worry about, that you’re untouchable and nothing will happen to you, but really everything you do affects your future. Not only because of your actions at that point but by getting use to making careless decisions some people never grow out of the habit. Before you know it, at 21 they are still the same people they were when they were 15. Bad decisions affect everybody , not just the person responsible but everyone around.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Chemical Engineering

Theme : Electrical Sector and Chemical Engineer a) â€Å"The Chemical Engineer – His Role in Electrical Manufacturing† by N. R. Maleady The article is about the role of chemical engineer in manufacturing transformers in the electrical manufacturing sector. The important components of the transformer are copper wire, cellulosic insulation, insulating varnish and dielectric liquid. Wire enamel or resin is the insulting structure for copper wire. The resin can either applied as a solution or in solventless form.Mechanical arrangement and proper temperature between each dip are needed to be controlled to provide necessary multiple coats of resin to cure when resin is applied as a solution. Suitable dies and preheaters must be used when the resin is applied in solventless form to extrude the material on the moving wire. Cellulosic insulation is used to separate metal conducting parts. The cylinder on which the wire is wound is composed of continuously wound paper, bound toge ther by suitable impregnants and adhesives. To produce a stronger cylinder, modifications of the paper and adhensives and method of application are to be carried out.Insulating varnish is used in the treatment of components parts and assembled units to provide both insulation and mechanical strength. Viscosity of the material is ought to be maintained within certain limits and its electrical properties must be held at a high level through proper periodic filtration. A dielectric liquid – askarels (highly refined mineral oils and the newer non-inflammable insulating liquids) is used thoroughly free of air for insulating and cooling. Processing of assembled finished transformers is an important phrase of work in the transformer manufacture.Firstly, the insulated wire is wound about the cylinder. By applying heat to the unit while under vacuum, the high percentage of water, which is 8% of the weight of the cellulose present in cellulose insulation resulting in the low dielectric strength may be removed. Vacuum bake tank is used to provide rapid heating of the units through good air circulation, followed by removal of the absorbed water. By immersing the whole assembly into suitable insulating varnishes, which when cured, give it high mechanical strength to withstand the tremendous short circuit forces.Separate coils of wire are assembled and mounted on suitable laminated iron cores. The use of hot air baking and high vacuum resulting in high velocity air which cuts down the skin resistance of the insulation to heating and the heating-up time. When the final drying process which is free of both moisture and air have been completed, the dielectric fluid is run into the treating tank to completely immerse the coils for the absorption of water and allows the units to be handled before dropping into their own enclosures.The contributions of the chemical engineer are many and varied. In both the application of basic chemical knowledge and in the electrical desig n, the use of the chemical engineer principles and the solving skills in electrical manufacturing problems helped to supplement the specialized knowledge of the electric engineer in the processes involving physical and chemical changes.The cooperation of electrical engineers and chemical engineers has created many beneficial and useful tools in our life. b) â€Å"Getting students to approach microelectronics Processing as Chemical Engineer† by Koretsky et al. The article is about the ways of getting students to approach microelectronics processing as a chemical engineer. About 70% of the B. S. ChE graduates from Oregon State University (OSU) have been employed in the microelectronics industries.To enable the students to apply core ChE skills towards microelectronics processing, experiences in the microelectronics processing are being synthesized into the undergraduate program on four levels – Lab-based microelectronics unit operations, Options programs utilizing Thin F ilm Materials Processing (ChE 444/544), Multiple Engineering Co-op program (MECOP) Internship Program, and Undergraduate Research Projects and the University Honors College.In the lab-based microelectronics unit operations, there are six unit operations (Plasma Etching, Chemical Vapor Decomposition, Spin Coating, Electrochemical Decomposition, Silicon Oxidation and Chemical Mechanical Planarization) containing complex systems that involve the interaction of physical and chemical processes. Both lab-based and class room based instruction are carried out to reinforce the fundamental engineering science taught in the curriculum. Students are required to integrate into the lab based on the Unit Operations Laboratories (ChE 414 and 415) and Thin Film Materials Processing (ChE 444).The first quarter of the two-quarter senior lab sequence (ChE 414) focuses on the students to complete 3 unit operation experiments while the second quarter of the senior lab course (ChE 415) focuses on the stu dents to work independently, develop a project proposal, complete experimental work and write a final technical memorandum. Class room based instruction will give out example exercise or homework problems to be integrated into a core chemical engineering science or design course to draw upon core fundamentals.Some ABET criteria are also considered in the microelectronics unit operations so that the students can master both technical skills and professional practices (effective oral and written communications, project planning, time management, interpersonal interaction, teamwork, and proactive behavior). Students can choose the program they prefer from transcript visible Options in the microelectronics processing or material science and engineering, but Thin Film Materials Processing (ChE 444) is a must for the students.The course is to help the students to broaden and strengthen the undergraduate ChE curriculum. The Film Materials Processing (ChE 444) is mainly focusing on the appl ication of core chemical engineering sciences (transport. kinetics, thermodynamics and reactor design) to thin film process. This approach creates a mind set in the process engineer to apply engineering skills in problem solving. Guest seminars are important feature of this course. Popular industrial scientists are brought to share their industrial perspective and lectures in their areas of specialization.After the seminar, the students are required to submit a critical analysis on the talk to catalyze interest effectively and show the interaction between the speakers and the class. A Final Design Project consisting of a detailed design of an apparatus for a given thin film process, performed in teams, is a Final Exam for the students. Written report have to be prepared to explain and justify the design whereas oral presentation of the design is made to their classmates for critique.The Multiple Engineering Co-op program (MECOP) offers two six-month internship program at different c ompanies so that the student gets exposure to contrasting industrial environments. Written applications and an interview process are carried out when placing a student into an internship program. Second interview is held to focus on the students’ abilities and interests. There are midterm and final appraisals at the company where the intern is working.The intern’s performance and the company’s supervision are evaluated by the intern and the supervisor. The undergraduate research projects and the University Honors College (UHC) play a key role in getting students to approach microelectronics processing as a chemical engineer. Undergraduate research is to promote active learning. Undergraduates work with graduate students on independent, creative research projects to pursue independent long-term initiatives and to follow an idea to its logical conclusion.The University Honors College (UHC) Senior Thesis is not only a UHC curriculum, but an incredibly rewarding lea rning tool that provides the students with the skills to undertake similar projects in their Masters Program or career field. Chemical engineer is a professional skilled in the manufacture of chemical products. They use their specialized chemical knowledge and chemical engineer principles to create functional tools in our life.